Hague System Expands

After Vietnam became the 61 th country that joins the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, Samoa joins the Act by becoming the 62 nd member of the 1999 Act as well as Israel becoming the 63 rd country to join the Act. Latest additions increases the total number of the member states up to 73. The Agreement will enter into force for Vietnam on December 30, for Samoa January 2, 2020 and for Israel January 3, 2020.

The Hague System holds a very important place concerning the industrial designs.
After the Hague System enter into force date for the relevant countries, companies and designers can protect their industrial designs in all
73 member countries -including European Union- through a single international application and set of fees.

Domınıcan Republıc Joıns The Lısbon Agreement

On October 17, 2019, the Government of the Dominican Republic deposited to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) its instrument of accession to the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration. Lisbon Agreement will enter into force for Dominican Republic on January 17, 2020 Dominican Republic’s accession to the Lisbon Agreement raises the number of States that are parties to the Agreement. The Lisbon Agreement for the International Registration of Appellations of Origin offers a means of obtaining protection for an appellation of origin in contracting parties to the Lisbon Agreement through a single registration and one set of fees.

Malaysıa Joıns The Madrıd System

On September 27, 2019, the Government of Malaysia deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol to WIPO. With the current accession

Malaysia is now the 106th to join the Madrid System.

Protocol will enter into force for Malaysia on December 27 th, 2019 Local brand owners in Malaysia will now be able to protect their marks up to 121 country including OAPI countries with a single international application and a set of fees. Malaysia’s accession underlines the Madrid System’s key role on protecting marks internationally, offering a convenient and cost-effective solution for brand owners worldwide and in the ASEAN region. .
With the Madrid System it is now possible to protect your trademark internationally with a single multinational trademark registration

Protectıon Of Desıgns Provıded By Eurasıan Patent Conventıon

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia have signed the Protocol for Protection of Designs on the 9 th of September 2019.

Due to this Protocol, the Eurasian Patent System now provides protection for designs as well as patents/inventions.

Starting from the date of entry into force of the Protocol, signatory countries will provide protection for designs under the Eurasian Patent Convention.

New Requırement By The Uspto

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as of the 3 rd of August 2019, will now require that persons who reside outside of the USA, must carry out their transactions with the USPTO through a licensed attorney. The reason provided for this new requirement is that these transactions are legally significant, and there is a considerable amount of transactions that are not legally and procedurally correct. While this change does not affect applications and renewals made through International Bureau and the

WIPO Madrid System, direct transactions with the USPTO regarding these applications must now be carried out by an attorney licensed in the USA. You may inquire further information through the

USPTO and WIPO links provided below. For detailed information contact us at info@eyubogluas.com.tr or at 0 312 428 51 93.

WIPO information page:

USPTO information page:

Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu İle Getirilen Değişiklikler Ve Yenilikler

10 Ocak 2017 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayınlanan 6769 sayılı Kanun, Sınai Mülkiyet haklarına ilişkin olarak temel bir takım değişiklikler ve yenilikler getirmiştir. Ekte yer alan açıklamalarımız, Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde yer alan düzenlemelere göre yenilik ve değişiklik içeren metinlere ilişkindir.

Sırasıyla markalar, patentler, faydalı modeller ve ortak hükümler olmak üzere ayrı başlıklar altında analiz yapılmıştır.

Patent ve faydalı modeller ile endüstriyel tasarımlar açısından, ciddi sistem değişikliği yapılmış olup, bu hususlara ilişkin olarak 6769 sayılı Kanunla getirilen düzenlemeler, ekli metinde incelemenize sunulmaktadır.


Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu İle Getirilen Değişiklikler Ve Yenilikler.

Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Ve Çin’de Marka Resmi Ücretlerinde İndirime Gidildi!

Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde Marka Tescil ve Yenileme Ücretlerinde İndirim: Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Ekonomi Bakanlığı 51 numaralı kararname ile tescil ve yenileme ücretlerinde indirime gitti. İndirim hem tescili tamamlanmamış marka başvurularına hem de yeni marka başvurularını etkileyecektir. Karar ile başvuru ve ilan ücretlerinde herhangi bir indirime gidilmezken, tescil ücretlerinde indirim yapılmıştır. Bu karar 7 Temmuz 2019 tarihi itibari ile yürürlüğe girmiştir.

Çin’de Marka Başvurusu Resmi Ücretlerinde İndirim: Çin Hükümeti tarafından, marka başvuru ve tescil süreçlerine ilişkin olarak çeşitli resmi ücretlerde indirime gidilmiştir. Bu indirimler 1 Temmuz 2019 tarihi itibari ile yürürlüğe girmiştir. Detaylı bilgi için info@eyubogluas.com.tr adresinden veya 0 312 428 51 93 numaralı telefondan bize ulaşabilirsiniz.

