Kosgeb Ar-Ge, Ür-Ge ve İnovasyon Destek Programı

KOSGEB “Rekabetçi ve Yüksek Katma Değerli Üretimin Artırılması İçin Öncelikli Sektörlerdeki İşletmeler ile Savunma Sanayi İhtiyaçlarını Millileştirme Kapsamında İşletmelerin Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon ile Ür-Ge Projelerinin Desteklenmesi” çağrısı 15 Aralık 2021’de açılmış olup, başvurular 8 Şubat 2022 tarihine kadar yapılabilecektir.

Proje teklif çağrıları ile 100.000 TL’ye kadar Patent, Faydalı Model, Endüstriyel Tasarım Tescil, Entegre Devre Topografyaları ile ilgili resmi kurum, vekillik ve danışma giderleri dahil olmak üzere sınai mülkiyet harcamaları, toplamda 6.000.000 TL’ye varan destek sağlanabilmektedir.


Basic Patent Seminar from Eyuboğlu Trademark and Patent !

Basic Patent Seminar from Att. Gizem Karpuzoğlu!

It will take place at May 28th, 2020 02:00 pm on the Zoom platform.

registry form: is.gd/14TDOc

The seminar will be free of charge and limited to 60 peaople. After the seminar, participants will have a digital certificate.

Basic Patent Seminar from Eyuboğlu Trademark and Patent !

Basic Patent Seminar from Att. Gizem Karpuzoğlu!

It will take place at May 28th, 2020 02:00 pm on the Zoom platform.

registry form: is.gd/14TDOc

The seminar will be free of charge and limited to 60 peaople. After the seminar, participants will have a digital certificate.

Unıted Arab Emırates Reducted The Trademark Offıcıal Fees

United Arab Emirates IP OFfice, has decreased the official fees since April 5, 2020.


The reduced fees cover trademark searches, trademark filings and publications, issuance of registration certificates, oppositions, trademark renewals, recordals of assignment and recordals of change of name and address.


For detailed information please contact us at info@eyubogluas.com.tr or at 0 312 428 51 93.

Dolandırıcılık Hakkında Duyuru…

Müvekkillerden tarafımıza gelen bilgiler doğrultusunda, son zamanlarda kendilerini marka vekili veya patent vekili olarak tanıtan kişiler/firmalar, başvuru sahiplerini telefonla arayarak/mail atarak gerçek/hukuk dışı durumlar aktarıp, dolandırmaya çalışmaktadır. Üstelik, bunu Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu’ndan aradıkları izlenimi yaratarak, çeşitli ücretler talep etmektedirler. Bu şekilde size ulaşan firmalara karşı dikkatli olmanızı, dolandırıcılara itibar etmemenizi rica ederiz.

TÜRKPATENT’in web sayfasında da bu hususa ilişkin ara ara duyurular ve açıklamalar yapılmaktadır. 01.02.2020 tarihinde yapılan duyuruya aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz.


Ayrıca kendilerini marka vekili veya patent vekili olarak tanıtan kişilerin marka ve patent vekili olup olmadıklarını aşağıda yer alan bağlantıdan araştırarak da teyit edebilirsiniz.

Patent ve Marka Vekili Sorgulama

Tarafınıza yapılan telefon, mail veya başkaca bildirimlerin nereden geldiği hususunda tereddüt oluşması halinde bizimle iletişime (0312 428 51 93) geçilmesini rica ederiz.

Impact Of The Uk’s Wıthdrawal From The Eu Eutms And Rcds: Updated Informatıon

In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the EU and the UK (read the latest news here), the UK will leave the EU as from today, 1 February 2020.

However, the Withdrawal Agreement stipulates that during a transition period that will last until 31 December 2020, EU law remains applicable to and in the UK. This extends to the EUTM and RCD Regulations and their implementing instruments.

This continued application of the EUTM Regulations and the RCD Regulations during the transition period includes, in particular, all substantive and procedural provisions as well as the rules concerning representation in proceedings before the EUIPO. In consequence, all proceedings before the Office that involve grounds of refusal pertaining to the territory of the UK, earlier rights originating from the UK, or parties/representatives domiciled in the UK will run as they did previously, until the end of the transition period.

Further information as regards the situation as from 1 January 2021 will follow in due course.

Banksy’s Battle For Trademark

Famous underground artist Banksy now a part of a trademark battle between his management company Pest Control Office Limited and a greetings card company called Full Colour Black. Pest Control Office has applied and obtained several trademarks reproducing iconic Banksy works. Full Colour Black has been using such works on their products and is now seeking one of these trademarks to be cancelled. The main problem was the fact that neither Banksy nor Pest Control was using their trademark in commerce activities. And in order to keep a trademark registration alive it has to be used distinguished products in market. By the outcome of that fact Banksy opened a homeware store in South London. The store is permanently closed however it has a website were such homeware has been available all of which already out of stock. In any case, Banksy has seen his rights protected by IP courts in the past, for instance a Milan court earlier this year stopped the organizers of an exhibition from selling merchandising with his artwork. However EUPO’s decision after the mentioned cancelation application remains unclear.
